Connect to TurtleBot

TurtleBot's IP Address and Port: 

TurtleBot Status



  1. On the TurtleBot, run the following commands in separate terminals:
    • roscore
    • roslaunch tbot2_launch tbot2.launch
    • roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
    • roslaunch tbot2_launch amcl_navigation.launch ssl:=true certfile:=/home/turtlebot/server_cert.pem keyfile:=/home/turtlebot/server_key.pem authenticate:=false
      • Optional: add map_file:=/path/to/map/file.yaml to specify a map file
      • This command will launch an rviz window. Tell the TurtleBot its current position by entering a 2D Pose Estimate.
    • rosrun robot_pose_publisher robot_pose_publisher
  2. On this webpage, enter IP Address and Port Number in the format Default port is 9090.
    • If this doesn't connect, try navigating to https://ip:port/
  3. Click "Connect".
  4. If the status says "CONNECTED," you have successfully connected to the TurtleBot's webserver. Else, something has gone wrong.

TurtleBot's Map

There is currently no map loaded.